From the mission statement: “to aid in the development of a new kind of queer politics and activism coming out of Oberlin in which

From the mission statement: “to aid in the development of a new kind of queer politics and activism coming out of Oberlin in which
Noting that “in a place like Oberlin, oppression and discrimination are much more subtle; people here accept things on an intellectual level, as long
“This town we’re in is a sealed tuna sandwich.”Frank Zappa, 200 Motels My friend Eddie and I want to get an apartment with a
Karl Spahn is a freshman and an active member of Gay Liberation —Ed. There have been a number of letters and articles in the
The women’s movement in this country has founded its strength upon small groups of women who have banded together through their common need to
The following letter was sent Saturday to all parents, trustees, and presidents of regional clubs. – Ed. Dear Parents, Alumni and Trustees: In November,
Dec. 2, 1960, Oberlin Review To the Editor: We freshmen who have attended the two assemblies by Drs. Jean and Jim Stevens on men-women relationships