“It was all men talking about the war…” Misha Cohen was raised in Coral Gables, Florida and identifies as a Sephardic Jew. Her father

“It was all men talking about the war…” Misha Cohen was raised in Coral Gables, Florida and identifies as a Sephardic Jew. Her father
“Everybody was bending gender a little bit…” Raised in a middle class, suburban family outside of Washington D.C., Holly Boswell was assigned a male
“She’s a ‘vegetarian,’ or he’s very ‘musical’…” The daughter of an Army officer, Ann Matter’s “international childhood” was spent in Germany, Central America, and,
“We were the best musicians…” Raised in a middle class, Jewish, suburban family, Roger Goodman remembers a childhood “filled with monstrosity.” His family maintained a
Francois Clemmons was raised in Youngstown, Ohio, in a predominantly black community. His father worked in the steel mills and his mother sang in
Essay written May 2006 I grew up as an only child in suburbs of Chicago and Detroit. By the time I was in kindergarten
Essay written July, 2004. My Oberlin story from the early 1960’s is about how typical it was then to deny one’s nontraditional sexual orientation,
Essay written in 2004. Edited in 2006. As the only son of a comfortably well-off banker and a locally influential schoolteacher, I had a
“[Prof.] Melcher was my major confidante…” An only child, Larry Palmer was raised in a strict but loving religious household in the small town
“The producer called me into his office…” Thomas Tibbetts was born and raised in the college town of Marietta, Ohio. Neither his father, who